Oman Traveloutfit Nr.3: The middle east as a vegetarian

Hi guys,

While I`m still working on my major travelguide about our trip over on my travelsite A call to the dreamers , I wanted to give you a glimpse into the Food variety in the middle east, or especially in Oman. 

I have been vegetarian for over 18 years, I`m used to looking through product lists, translating the words meat and fish in every language possible or eating vegetables and sides. Especially in countries that haven`t jumped on the veggie/vegan hype yet, it can still be a bit of work to get food but Oman suprised me the best way possibe! 
It literally is vegetarian heaven. They traditionally eat rice with either veggies, meat or fish and use a piece of bread as a fork. If you choose the version with no meat or fish, they will bring you curry and salad too, every place had options that didn`t include meat and even in the most remote village I got served vegetarian friendly Food. 
At supermarkets, you got a range like at Walmart in the US, mainly because Omanis import absolutely everything from everywhere, which of course is horrible for the enviroment. 

If you wanna know more, head over to A call to the dreamers or ask me anything in the comments!

Jumpsuit: Missguided
Kimono: Spell Rosa Kimono via Free People




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