Event: Olympus Photography Playground Zurich

Hi guys,
You may have seen on Snapchat ( @badaloevera ) that I visited Mode Suisse yesterday wiht my friend Selina. Before, we went to the Olympus Photography Playground to have some fun. I saw an add a few days ago and because we had enough time anyway why not use it for some fun for free? Yes, you heard right its completly free and you can also borrow a camera of your choice.
Its an exhibiton where you can go from room to room and try the borrowed camera ( or your own, whatever you prefer ) in different light situations etc. After you finished, the SD Card is for free and if you like, you can even print your pictures. The exhibiton travels from city to city and looks different everywhere they go ( depends on how much space is available ).
I really enjoyed running around with a camera that was completly different to what I normally use, pretty comfortable to just push the trigger and a perfectly fine photo comes out. If youre interested in photography I highly recommend to go there and check it out, nothing to loose if you dont like it. In Zurich its at the Photobastei and you can visit from 12-21 pm on weekdays and until 24 pm on Weekends, it will stay in Zurich until Valentines Day.

This post isn`t sponsered, because I dont have an Outfit post this week I thought you may would be interested in this =)


  1. Total coole Bilder... und die Idee mit vielen verschiedenen Kameras zu experimentieren finde ich total klasse. Ich hätte mich voll ausgetobt :-D

    Ganz liebe Grüße!
    Hab noch eine schöne Woche!


    1. Es lohnt sich wirklich, villeicht ist er auch bald bei dir in der nähe?


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