This can`t be me

...or the day I found out why hipsters dress like they do.

But lets start at the begining. Last week, the snow came and now everything looks like winter wonderland. Yeah, Im not exited about that btw, but maybe with a few winter days summer will come faster. Anyway, we went out for a walk and because it was freezing, I wore the warmest clothes I could find. I ended up looking like a Hipster. Leggings? You can layer thermo tights under them. Dr.Martens? They survive everything and ski socks have enough space, oh and they are comfortable as fuck. Parka? Nobody sees the three pullovers Im wearing under it. Beanie? No Explanation needed. Why I felt like I should wear my hair middle parted? No idea.

Have a great Weekend and dont take everything to serious =)

Parka*: C&A
Leggings*: Dealsale Nr.CB029650
Boots: Dr.Martens




  1. Schönes Outfit, ich finde es richtig schade, dass bei uns kein Schnee liegt.
    Liebe Grüße Michelle von beautifulfairy

  2. Ohhh wunderschön! Dir steht aber auch einfach alles :)
    Zauberhafter Look!

    Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Tag <3
    Liebst, Sarah von Belle Mélange

    1. Danke =) Dabei ist es genau das Gegenteil von dem was ich sonst so trage =D


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