These are beautiful times

Hi guys,
We all have our own personal summer soundtrack that may returns every year and just gives you that feeling you can`t describe . Maybe its a song , maybe a band or an album , in winter you always skip them on your playlists but when its getting warmer , it immediately turns into your most heard tune . For me , Owl City is my summer soundtrack . I remember years ago when the Fireflies song came out and thought yeah its good but isnt there more. Oh and there were more , since then every year I search for new songs and add them to my Owl City Summer Playlist . When i first discovered this one man band , I had no music taste and tried out everything I could . That has changed a lot , I totally feel at home with my beloved rock , alternative and metal tunes . But this beautiful electric songs with lyrics written by a dreamer are still stucked in my head and I hope I wont get tired of them ever.
We found this place during a walk in our neighbourhood and its one of the most magical areas I have ever been to . Its perfect to shoot and dance around , because theres a street without any cars . We spent at least an hour there and no car drove by . I got the skirt from Dresslink and the quality is so good , I really didnt expected that . I got many clothes from asian online shops and its kinda like a joker , may you win and it fits perfectly with good quality , or its just like everyone says - not great at all . The material feels really thick and the straps wont fall off my shoulders , it even has a little cute detail on the zipper. The shirt is from Topshop and I bought it while I was in Paris and wore it on the same evening , its like a classic grunge thing and you never go wrong with some stripes.

Skirt* : Dresslink
Crop Top : Topshop
Necklace : H&M
Backpack : C&A
Hellraisers : UNIF


  1. wonderful look :)
    with love,

  2. Oh wie süß! Der Look ist zauberhaft und steht dir richtig gut! :)
    Super schön kombiniert!

    Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Abend <3
    Liebst, Sarah von Belle Mélange

    1. Dankeschön =) Freut mich das es dir gefällt.

      LG Faye

  3. Toller Look!
    Ich bin ja begeistert von dem Inhalt deiner Posts, irgendwie lenkt das Design total vom INhalt ab.
    Aber vllt. ist das auch nur geschmackssachen
    Mach weiter so! :)
    Imke von

    1. Vielen Dank =) Welches Design meinst du , das der Posts oder vom Blog selbst ? Ich arbeite gerade an einem neuen Design und bin offen für Vorschläge =)

      LG Faye

  4. Dein Stil ist wirklich wahnsinnig schön! Solche Latzröcke sind total mein Ding. Hast du bloglovin? Wenn ja, würd' ich dir dort gern folgen :-)

    1. Vielen Lieben Dank ! Ja hab ich , solltest mich eigentlich unter dem Blognamen finden =)



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