Shake it like a bad girl

Hello =)
Woah, you dont know how exited I am until its finally monday and I can enjoy two weeks of freetime. That also means tons of new Outfits , I have so many amazing pieces I want to Show you. As I told you before Im going to Amsterdam in a week , if you do have any must see places , feel free to tell me in the comments.
I just needed to wear something more badass again. The last few weeks my Outfits were in my style but dressed down so that they fit into my everyday life. This Outfit is so me , black leather, spikes and dark red lipstick will never leave my closet . For tall Girls like me , Basic skirts or shorties are perfect to wear under short skirts so nobody can see your butt. Oh and this shoes , even if they are the most expensive Piece in my closet , they are totally worth the Money.


Dress*: Style Moi
Shoes : The Reaper by UNIF via Solestruck
Lipstick : Diva by MAC


  1. wieder mal ein echt cooles Outfit :) Die Schuhe sind wirklich ein Hingucker

    1. Vielen lieben Dank =) Es war auch ein richtiger Kampf bis ich sie endlich hatte , umso glücklicher bin ich mit ihnen =D

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      bad bad girl

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