Could I be dreaming this?
Hello =)
Hows your week so far? I had to work the last few days and now Im really happy to have a few days off. I told you that I love to wear Lingerie everyday because I think its to beautiful to be hidden. This Outfit should also do that , but sadly you cant really see it one the Pictures. The Sweater is seethrough so its possible to wear awesome Piece underneath without hiding. We had our Problems with the light and yes it was fuckin freezing cold to shoot this but I hope it was worth it =)
Sweater: Vintage
Underwear: For Love and Lemons via Free People
Skirt: C&A *
Backpack: C&A
Shoes: UNIF
Wie cool! Der Sweater gefällt mir wirklich super! Die lavenderfarbenen Heels geben dem Look dann noch das gewisse etwas. :)
Das beste daran ist das ich den zufälligerweise in den alten Sachen meiner Mutter gefunden habe die ihr nicht mehr passten =D